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About me

Hello! My name is Diego Teixeira Fialho, born at Petrópolis, RJ - Brazil and currently I work as a Frontend Web Developer at Personare. I also worked as a Fullstack Developer at Maxisite and as Frontend Developer at Alterdata Software.

Passionate about technology since soon I was always curious to learn. At 20 years old, I took my first course in technology at SENAI and at 23 years old I entered college at FAETERJ - Petrópolis.

I love developing and study new technologies that appear each day to make our life as developers easier. With blood half coffee and half code, I love to create and idealize components using Javascript frameworks and concepts for a clean and well structured code.

A little about what I do:


  • Angular
  • AngularJS
  • CSS3
  • HTML5
  • Javascript
  • CSS Preprocessors (sass, less, stylus)
  • React
  • Styled Components
  • Next JS


  • Node
  • PHP
  • Object Oriented programming
  • Python
  • MySql
  • PostgreeSQL


  • Scrum
  • Git
  • TDD
